Thursday, August 18, 2011

It's Thursday again!

Time for Crooks and Crazies "Tell me Thursday" I love reading what other people write and have fun answering the questions so here goes

1. Who is your newest dog? Where is he/she from, and why did you choose this particular dog/breeding? This question posted by Jodi

That would be Kenzi - though I've had her for almost two years so she isn't exactly new. She came through Border Collie rescue after being abandoned at 4 m/o so I have no clue as to her breeding.

I had just certified with Kipp for wilderness SAR work and I wanted another training project/SAR prospect. So my criteria was a dog with a stable temperament and good toy drive and she had both. I'll admit that the fact that she was a long coated female didn't hurt either.

2. What traits drew you to this dog or breeding? (also by Jodi)

The Face. I saw her pictures (below) on Petfinder and I fell in love.

Of course she had to pass my other criteria before I actually got her, but that bright, happy, eager face definitely was the reason I started the application process.

In actually she doesn't have some of the traits that I most appreciate such as a serious no nonsense attitude when it comes to anything that might possibly work and calm focus. But hopefully the calm focus will improve with age and if it doesn't, well, she's just so happy that I guess it doesn't matter THAT much!

3. What's on your feet right now?

Eastland leather sandals

4. What are you reading right now?

Umm, err, nothing.... I do love to read, but I'm in the middle of a three week break between summer and fall classes so I'm taking a break from reading right too.

5. What upcoming trials are you looking forward to? If you don't trial dogs I'll take whatever activity that you're looking forward to.

Getting the dogs started on sheep - hopefully next month I'm going to take a long weekend and go somewhere where I can get some help getting a good foundation on both of them.


  1. Where'd you find to go? Wherever it is, I'm sure it'll be great fun!

  2. Oh noes! I thought I'd already replied. Sometimes blogger hates me I think.

    I don't know why, but for some reason I didn't realize Kenzi is female. Hunh. She's really stinkin cute though!

    Best of luck starting them on sheep. How fun!

  3. Hoping to go over to John Wentz in Wisconsin - still ironing out detail, but it's in the works!

    Laura - I think blogger is throwing fits or something - I kept trying to comment on blogs yesterday with hardly any success...
