Saturday, May 19, 2012

The dog by my bed

 Missy always slept by the side of my bed underneath a table.  It was her spot.  After I lost her I missed seeing a dog by the side of my bed.  Oh I still had them in my room but they were either on the bed (Kenzi) or curled up on a dog bed on the other side (Kipp). It was one of the little things that I missed.

 Until recently.

A couple months ago Kipp started giving up his bed for a time and curling up on the floor along side of mine. He now goes to sleep there, moves to his bed in the middle of the night, then back along side of mine by the time I get up in the morning. 

It makes me smile. 

1 comment:

  1. I found my way here via KnitPicks. Just ordering your Candy Hearts Socks pattern! So nice. I LOVE hearts on socks.

    I'm also subscribing to your blog. Hope you'll visit mine too.

    Hugs, Geraldine
